“A little party never killed nobody. Right here, right now’s all we got!”

Champagne flowing, lights glimmering, music swinging! What's Cool Taipei will be throwing an exclusive launch party on Dec 11th to celebrate the long awaited release of our bilingual magazine. A snazzy night with ladies in dazzling dresses and gentlemen in their finest suits, this celebration will bring out the classiest of class in Taipei. Are you ready to be sent back to the glamorous days of the Roaring 20s?

是甚麼場合能夠讓人優雅地啜著香檳,在迷人燈光下隨著悅耳樂聲翩翩起舞呢? What’s Cool Taipei將於12月11日舉辦創刊獨家派對,慶祝這本令人期待已久的中英雙語雜誌首刊終於誕生。這個動人夜晚將譜出台北最雍容華貴的樂章,您準備好與我們一起回到1920的華麗年代了嗎?

First of many more events to come, WCT’s launch party will bring together the most vibrant locals and foreigners in Taipei for a night to remember. Show your Charleston moves this night over revamped jazzy tunes before we draw the names of our special prize winners. For those less fortunate, fear not, you will still head out with a launch party gift bag.

創刊慶祝派對是What’s Cool Taipei第一個重大活動,台北最具活力的台灣及外國朋友將齊聚一堂,隨著曼妙改版爵士樂盡情舞動,共度難忘的夜晚。派對當晚將舉辦摸彩活動,抽出幸運兒獲得特別獎項。沒有得獎的嘉賓也不必難過,我們會於您離開派對時,贈送一個創刊派對禮物袋,與您一同分享我們創刊的喜悅!

Raise your glass in true Gatsby fashion with What's Cool Taipei this Dec 11th. Please RSVP for you and your guest before Nov 30th. Tickets are limited.

12月11日,與我們一同以「大亨小傳」式的華麗舉杯慶祝What’s Cool Taipei的創刊盛事吧!請於11月30日前完成報名。名額有限,額滿為止。


Date: The 11th of December, 2013

Venue: 2046 Lounge Bar, No. 24, Lane 205, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei
地點:2046 Lounge Bar (台北市忠孝東路四段205巷46號)
Dress code: Formal wear (Roaring 20s class and sass)


Invitees with special INVITATIONS:

- 500NT at the door

- Must present the invitation card when making payment at the entrance

- This invitation also grants the entrance of one additional guest at a separate charge of 500NT

- Those who fail to present the invitation card will have to purchase the regular ticket to gain entrance

Guests without invitations:
- 900NT at the door

ALL tickets include your entry, two drinks, a complimentary champagne for the toast, your name in a prize draw, and a special launch party gift. Tickets are limited and can only be purchased at the door.



For VIP table info:

● 3 large VIP tables: NTD$10,000 per table (maximum 10 pax)
● 1 medium VIP table: NTD$8,000 (maximum 8 pax)
● 1 small VIP table: NTD$6,000 (maximum 7 pax)


● 三大型VIP座: 每座 NTD$10,000 (最多十位)
● 一中型VIP座: NTD$8,000 (最多八位)
● 一小型VIP座: NTD$6,000 (最多七位)

For more information, please contact Shina at 0933-219-520.
欲了解詳情, 請與 Shina (0933-219-520) 連絡.
Written by Sheny Lin and translated by Gwen Kimmelman

 “Living together, sharing life’s stories with each other, hours of conversations that last all night about nothing in particular. There’s nothing better than coming home to see the shining smile of your significant other after a full day of tedious work.

            But wait, why isn’t there a warm welcome waiting for me at home this time? Aren’t you happy to see me? It’s like my boyfriend has suddenly come down with a case of the blues, and we have nothing to say to each other.

你曾經坐在咖啡廳裡幻想著與自己的外國男友住在一起可能的甜蜜情景嗎?兩個人住在一起,分享生活中發生的故事,呱啦呱啦地聊上一個晚上。結束了一天的奔波勞累後回到自己的Sweet Home,可以看到自己最愛的人想必是天底下最大的幸福了!

            但是,在經過一天的工作折騰後,我的寶貝啊!你心情不好嗎? 怎麼回到家就不跟我說話了?

It’s not you, it’s my reading habit


            Come home, shut the door, turn on the TV. For the Taiwanese, this is a common practice. It is an easy way to clear one’s head after a long day at work, but I have never seen my boyfriend turn on the TV (maybe it’s because he wouldn’t understand what they were talking about anyway).  Where I go turn to the TV for relaxation, he finds refuge in his Apple laptop or iPad and the miscellaneous readings found on the Internet. There’s no TV remote wrestling around here...”

            「回到家,把門關上,然後打開電視」可能是台灣朋友們最熟悉不過的回家模式了,看電視時,可以讓腦袋完全放空休息,真是太棒了! 可是我從來沒有看過男友看電視 (大概也是因為他聽不懂也看不懂中文吧!?) 相對於把看電視當作放鬆的我來說,男友只是靜靜地盯著他的Mac air和iPad,只有閱讀網路上無窮無盡的新知識讓他感到放鬆,而我也樂得一個人獨佔電視!

Read the full Chinese and English article in our December issue! (LINK ISSUES)
